Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Sick Soup

I came up with this recipe the other day after waking up with a sore throat. Many people say it is good to have spicy foods when you have a sore throat, and soup is a warming treat when the body is fighting off a virus.

-1 can of tomatoes(whole or diced, I prefer the whole ones)
-2 pieces of broccoli stalk, sliced into bite sized pieces
-1 onion
-1/2 cup of rice
-1 hot pepper(choose the pepper closest to your comfort. I use jalapeno)
-2 cups of water

Add water and broccoli stalk to a large pot over high heat. Let it boil for 10 minutes then add your tomatoes, carrots, onion and hot pepper. Reduce heat to medium high and let simmer, covered, until veggies are cooked. Add 1/2 cup of rice and spices of your choice. I like to add basil, mustard seed, pepper, a pinch of salt and italian seasoning.

Soup is done when the rice is cooked.

You can add any veggies you want to this soup. I was running low on veggies and wanted a quick fix for a meal.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Join The Voyage!

Welcome to The Veggie Voyage! Why don't you sit down, put your feet up and enjoy the ride? While you are here you can expect to learn some interesting facts about veggies, making vegetarian meals and having a relaxing, peaceful visit.

I have been vegetarian on and off throughout my life but have recently decided to wave goodbye to meat. I may on the occasion indulge in fish but that will not be very often, and I still believe that fish is healthy for us. When I say that I might occasionally indulge in fish, I am not talking about once a week. I mean maybe once every 2 or three months, if that at all. I also still eat dairy, although it is usually in the form of cheese.

Why have I became vegetarian? Well, I believe that red meat is causing my rheumatoid arthritis to flare up and cause me severe pain, stiffness and fatigue. On top of that, we can get all of our nutrients and more from plants, whereas animals get most of their nutrients from plants, too. So why should we eat meat when we can get everything from plants?

I'll be creating and trying different vegetarian recipes, some of which will be vegan and others vegetarian. When I try them I will post them in my blog with pictures. If there is a recipe you want to suggest, feel free to do so!

I hope you enjoy your stay!